Director : Kazunori Konishi [ konishi AT ]
Deputy Director : Xing Li [ xing AT ]
Deputy Director : Francis Lee [ ebslee AT ]
Deputy Director : Andrew Lee [ leea AT ]
Mailing List:
noc AT


APAN member networks have diversified characteristics based on varied environments : geography, national network infrastructure, research activities, etc. Some countries are playing a key role for the advanced IT technologies for the globe, whereas others are connected to APAN via narrow band links.

NOC will work towards providing advanced network services as well as basic connectivity services, to meet the requirements of both advanced networks and developing networks. Both services should be provided consistently for helping developing networks grow up to become advanced networks.

Main activities of NOC are the following:

  1. Coordinate network operation activities
    • 24 x 7 basic operation
    • Common tools for basic operations
    • Information sharing for operations
    • Promotion of collaborations
  2. Joint activities between researchers and NOC folks for advanced services and experiments
    • Experiments on advanced technologies
    • Design of the networks with advanced features
    • Performance tuning with advanced operation and measurement tools
    • Evaluation of experiments and demos