To seek nominations to fill the positions of office-holders in APAN and to arrange elections by the Primary Members from among nominated candidates for the positions.
Election Procedure
The Election Committee will call for nominations to fill the vacancies in the following bodies:
- Board of Directors
- Committee Chairs (including Task Force and Net Group)
- NOC and Area Directors
- Other positions deemed appropriate, prior to the expiry of the current term of office for these positions
The term of office for a position will normally be for two years unless otherwise determined.
The current occupant of a position will normally be eligible to stand for a further term unless otherwise determined.
Nominations may be made by any Primary or Associate Member, by an appropriate management group, or by self-nomination. Each nomination should be seconded by a Primary Member and be agreed to by the person being nominated.
The Election Committee will collect together all the nominations for each position to be filled and will arrange for a vote on the nominations by the Primary Members. The Election Committee may ask for information from candidates to assist Primary Members in considering how to cast their vote.
A scrutineer will be appointed to oversee the election, and to count the votes.
The candidate gaining a majority of the eligible votes cast will be elected to the position. In the event of a tie, a further vote will be taken.
An election may be held at a meeting of Primary Members, or may be held electronically. When elections are held at meetings, this will normally be done by a simple show of hands. The scrutineer will undertake the counting of the votes. When the election is held electronically, the scrutineer will collect and report on the electronic votes.
The APAN Secretariat will advise all members of the outcome of an elections and update the APAN records accordingly.
Although Working Group and Sub-Committee Chairs (including Cluster Chairs) are normally elected by and from within the respective working group or sub-committee, the APAN Election Committee should endorse the appointments and may seek reconsideration of the appointment.