Chair :  Jamie Gillespie [ jamie AT ]
Co-Chairs :
Yoshiaki Kasahara [ kasahara AT ] 
Rakesh Kumar Jha [ jharakesh.45 AT ]
Shankar Karuppayah [kshankar AT]
Mailing List: [email protected]
APAN Slack Channel : #security-wg

APAN Security WG started as a Bird of Feather meeting during APAN Busan meeting in August 2003. After holding two more BoF meetings, APAN Security WG was established and held a first WG meeting during APAN Taipei meeting in August 2005.


Security WG is established with the objectives of :

  • Prepare policies and guidelines for the security architecture for APAN Organization as well as monitoring its implementation.
  • To raise the security awareness and knowledge within APAN community.
  • To cooperate with other international security efforts to raise security awareness, capabilities and interoperation globally.
  • To achieve the objectives the working group will conduct bi-annual Sessions/ Workshops/Tutorials and WG meetings during APAN meetings.

Security architecture includes protection of the physical, intellectual, and electronic assets of the APAN, including its security policies, network access controls, virus protection, network administration and transaction security.
The security architecture must address issues relating to authentication, authorization, confidentiality, data integrity non-repudiation, and isolation.


* Contact Kasahara/Kyushu [kasahara AT] for more information


Upcoming APAN Meetings

Security WG Session (one or two 1.5h presentation sessions)